Wonju DB holds Yoon Ho-young’s retirement ceremony for the home opening game on the 28th

10월 26, 2023 0 Comments

Wonju DB will hold a retirement ceremony for Yoon Ho-young before the home opener of the season.

DB will hold its home opening game against Busan KCC and Wonju (2 p.m.) on the 28th, starting with various pre-event events at 1 p.m.

This home opener begins with a pitch by DB Insurance model Jinyoung, and at halftime, Yoon Ho-young’s retirement ceremony is held.

Yoon Ho-young, a one-club man who graduated from Chung-Ang University in 2008 and was drafted 3rd overall in the rookie draft, wore only the Wonju DB uniform for 16 years, building ‘DB Mountain Fortress’ with Kim Joo-seong (current DB manager) and Rod Benson, and winning the 2011-2012 season. Received regular game MVP award

At the retirement ceremony on this day, a commemorative video containing his activities as a player will be screened, and a solid gold commemorative plaque and a commemorative frame will be handed out, featuring a figure of the basketball shoes that Ho-young Yun wore during his time as a player. We also plan to produce 300 retirement commemorative T-shirts to distribute to seasonal members.

Meanwhile, at the DB opening match, there will be a congratulatory performance by the female dance crew ‘Miss Molly’ who won the Street Dance Girls Fighter competition, and various events such as a photoism event and the distribution of player sticker photos (2,000 sheets) will be held for the spectators.


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